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The Tonion is an advanced TON development toolkit designed to facilitate the writing, customization, and deployment of contracts on the TON blockchain using Tact. This comprehensive toolkit includes implementations of various TEPs (TON Enhancement Proposals), dependence to TON standards, and a wide array of the most commonly used contract types, making it an essential resource for TON developers.

Beyond its extensive contract library, Tonion offers a robust Command Line Interface (CLI) that empowers developers to efficiently manage these libraries. Additionally, the toolkit encompasses a suite of powerful tools designed to streamline the development of TON-based decentralized applications (DApps). Whether you are a seasoned developer or new to the TON ecosystem, Tonion provides the necessary utilities to simplify and enhance your development workflow.

This document provides detailed instructions on how to utilize each tool within the Tonion toolkit, outlining their functionalities and the benefits they offer. By following this guide, you will gain a thorough understanding of how to leverage Tonion's capabilities to their fullest potential, enabling you to create efficient solutions on the TON blockchain.

This document can be used like a book to learn the Tonion toolkit, or just as a reference when you are developing using Tonion.