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PaymentSplitter Trait

The PaymentSplitter trait provides a mechanism to split payments among a group of accounts based on their shares. Each account is assigned a number of shares, and payments are distributed proportionally to these shares.


  • _totalShares: Int
    • The total number of shares assigned to all payees.
  • _totalReleased: Int
    • The total amount of funds that have been released to all payees.
  • _shares: map<Address, Int>
    • A mapping of account addresses to their assigned shares.
  • _released: map<Address, Int>
    • A mapping of account addresses to the amount of funds they have received.


  • addPayee(account: Address, shares: Int)

    • Adds a new payee to the contract.
    • Parameters:
      • account: The address of the payee.
      • shares_: The number of shares assigned to the payee.
    • Logic:
      • Ensures the number of shares is greater than 0.
      • Ensures the account does not already have shares.
      • Adds the shares to the _shares mapping.
      • Updates the _totalShares.
  • _release(account: Address)

    • Releases the payment for a specific account based on their shares.
    • Parameters:
      • account: The address of the payee.
    • Logic:
      • Ensures the account has shares.
      • Calculates the payment due to the account.
      • Sends the payment to the account.
      • Updates the _released mapping and _totalReleased.
  • released(account: Address) -> Int?

    • Returns the amount of funds released to a specific account.
    • Parameters:
      • account: The address of the payee.
    • Returns: The amount of funds released to the account.
  • shares(account: Address) -> Int?

    • Returns the number of shares assigned to a specific account.
    • Parameters:
      • account: The address of the payee.
    • Returns: The number of shares assigned to the account.
  • totalReleased() -> Int

    • Returns the total amount of funds released to all payees.
    • Returns: The total amount of funds released.
  • totalShares() -> Int

    • Returns the total number of shares assigned to all payees.
    • Returns: The total number of shares.

Usage Example

To use the PaymentSplitter trait in your smart contract, follow these steps:

  1. Import the PaymentSplitter Trait: Ensure that the PaymentSplitter trait is imported into your contract file.

    import "../imports/tonion/payment/paymentSplitter.tact";
  2. Create Your Contract: Extend your contract with the PaymentSplitter trait and implement the required methods.

    contract MyPaymentSplitter with PaymentSplitter, Ownable {
    owner: Address;
    _totalShares: Int;
    _totalReleased: Int as coins;
    _shares: map<Address, Int>;
    _released: map<Address, Int>;

    init(owner: Address){
    self.owner = owner;
    self._totalReleased = 0;
    self._totalShares = 0;

    receive(msg: AddPayee){
    self._addPayee(msg.payee, msg.shares);

    let ctx: Context = context();

In this example:

  • The MyPaymentSplitter contract uses the PaymentSplitter trait to manage payments.
  • The init method initializes the payment splitter.

By following these steps, you can integrate and use the PaymentSplitter trait in your smart contracts to manage and distribute payments effectively.