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OwnableTransferable2Step Trait

The OwnableTransferable2Step trait extends the Ownable contract by adding a two-step mechanism for transferring ownership. This process ensures that the new owner explicitly accepts the ownership transfer, reducing the risk of accidental ownership transfers.


  • ChangeOwner2Step

    • pendingOwner: Address
    • Used to initiate the ownership transfer process by setting the pending owner.
  • ChangeOwner2StepOk

    • pendingOwner: Address
    • Emitted as a response when the ownership transfer process is initiated.
  • AcceptOwnership2StepOk

    • newOwner: Address
    • Emitted as a response when the new owner accepts the ownership transfer.
  • AcceptOwnership2Step

    • Used by the pending owner to accept the ownership transfer.


  • owner: Address
    • The current owner of the contract.
  • _pendingOwner: Address?
    • The address of the pending owner who is set to accept ownership.


  • receive(msg: ChangeOwner2Step)

    • Initiates the transfer of ownership to a new account.
    • Parameters:
      • msg: The ChangeOwner2Step message containing the pendingOwner address.
    • Logic:
      • Verifies that the sender is the current owner.
      • Sets the _pendingOwner to the new address.
      • Emits the ChangeOwner2StepOk event.
  • receive(msg: AcceptOwnership2Step)

    • The new owner accepts the ownership transfer.
    • Parameters:
      • msg: The AcceptOwnership2Step message.
    • Logic:
      • Verifies that the sender is the _pendingOwner.
      • Transfers ownership to the sender.
      • Emits the AcceptOwnership2StepOk event.
  • _requirePendingOwner()

    • Checks if the sender is the _pendingOwner.
    • Logic:
      • Throws an error if the sender is not the _pendingOwner.
  • _transferOwnership(newOwner: Address)

    • Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account.
    • Parameters:
      • newOwner: The address of the new owner.
    • Logic:
      • Sets the owner to the new address.
      • Clears the _pendingOwner.
  • pendingOwner() -> Address?

    • Returns the address of the pending owner.
    • Returns: Address? representing the pending owner.

Usage Example

To use the OwnableTransferable2Step trait in your smart contract, follow these steps:

  1. Import the OwnableTransferable2Step Trait: Ensure that the OwnableTransferable2Step trait is imported into your contract file.

    import "../imports/tonion/access/OwnableTransferable2Step.tact";
  2. Create Your Contract: Extend your contract with the OwnableTransferable2Step trait and implement the required methods.

    import "../imports/tonion/access/OwnableTransferable2Step.tact";
    contract MyTransferableContract with OwnableTransferable2Step {
    init(owner: Address) {
    self.owner = owner;

In this example:

  • The MyTransferableContract contract uses the OwnableTransferable2Step trait to manage ownership transfer.
  • The init method sets the initial owner.

By following these steps, you can integrate and use the OwnableTransferable2Step trait in your smart contracts to manage ownership transfers effectively.