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Download the Jetton trait

First of all, you have to go to contracts/traits/tokens/Jetton trait directory and clone source code of both JettonWallet.tact and JettonMaster.tact, Alternatively you can get them using Tonion CLI.

Adding library to imports

Once you had the source code of traits, you need to initialize your project using blueprint. Once you had your project ready, you can add it to contracts/imports/tonion directory (if you use Tonion CLI it will do it for you).

then we continue them by adding the following code:


import "@stdlib/deploy";
import "../imports/tonion/JettonMaster.tact";
import "../imports/tonion/JettonWallet.tact";

contract TonionJettonMaster with JettonMaster, Deployable {
total_supply: Int as coins;
owner: Address;
jetton_content: Cell;
mintable: Bool;

init(owner: Address, content: Cell){
self.total_supply = 1000000;
self.owner = owner;
self.mintable = true;
self.jetton_content = content;

override inline fun calculate_jetton_wallet_init(owner_address: Address): StateInit {
return initOf TonionJettonWallet(owner_address, myAddress());


import "@stdlib/deploy";
import "../imports/tonion/JettonMaster.tact";
import "../imports/tonion/JettonWallet.tact";

contract TonionJettonWallet with JettonWallet, Deployable {
balance: Int as coins = 0;
owner: Address;
jetton_master: Address;

init(owner: Address, jetton_master: Address) {
self.owner = owner;
self.jetton_master = jetton_master;

override inline fun calculate_jetton_wallet_init(owner_address: Address): StateInit {
return initOf TonionJettonWallet(owner_address, self.jetton_master);

if you need customize message receiver you can define it in your Jetton contract


basic Jetton Implementation by JettonMaster and JettonWallet traits


The Jetton Master contract is responsible for managing the overall supply of Jettons, minting new Jettons, and handling burn notifications.

Data Structures

  • JettonData: This structure holds essential information about the Jetton, including:
    • total_supply: The total number of Jettons in circulation.
    • mintable: A boolean indicating if new Jettons can be minted.
    • admin_address: The address of the Jetton's administrator.
    • jetton_content: A cell containing the Jetton's metadata.
    • jetton_wallet_code: The code for initializing Jetton wallets.


  • JettonMint: This message is used to mint new Jettons.
    • origin: The address initiating the minting.
    • receiver: The address receiving the minted Jettons.
    • amount: The number of Jettons to be minted.
    • custom_payload: An optional cell for custom data.
    • forward_ton_amount: The amount of TON to forward.
    • forward_payload: The remaining slice of the forward payload.


  • receive(msg: JettonMint): Handles the minting of new Jettons.

    • Validates the minting request using _mint_validate.
    • Mints the Jettons using _mint.
  • receive(msg: JettonBurnNotification): Handles burn notifications.

    • Validates the burn notification using _burn_notification_validate.
    • Processes the burn notification using _burn_notification.
  • calculate_jetton_wallet_init(owner_address: Address) -> StateInit: Abstract method to calculate the initial state for a Jetton wallet.

  • _mint_validate(ctx: Context, msg: JettonMint): Validates minting conditions.

    • Ensures the sender is the Jetton owner.
    • Checks if minting is allowed.
  • _burn_notification_validate(ctx: Context, msg: JettonBurnNotification): Validates burn notifications.

    • Ensures the sender is a Jetton wallet.
  • _mint(ctx: Context, msg: JettonMint): Executes the minting process.

    • Updates the total supply.
    • Sends the Jettons to the receiver's wallet.
  • _burn_notification(ctx: Context, msg: JettonBurnNotification): Processes the burn notification.

    • Updates the total supply.
    • Sends any remaining TON to the response destination.
  • get_jetton_data() -> JettonData: Returns the current Jetton data.

  • get_wallet_address(owner_address: Address) -> Address: Calculates and returns the Jetton wallet address for a given owner.

Jetton Wallet

The Jetton Wallet contract manages individual Jetton balances and handles transfers and burns of Jettons.

Data Structures

  • WalletData: This structure holds the wallet-specific data:
    • balance: The number of Jettons in the wallet.
    • owner: The address of the wallet owner.
    • jetton: The address of the Jetton master contract.
    • jetton_wallet_code: The code for initializing this wallet.


  • JettonTransfer: This message is used to transfer Jettons.

    • query_id: An arbitrary request number.
    • amount: The number of Jettons to transfer.
    • destination: The address of the new Jetton owner.
    • response_destination: The address for sending transfer confirmation.
    • custom_payload: An optional custom payload.
    • forward_ton_amount: The amount of TON to forward.
    • forward_payload: The remaining slice of the forward payload.
  • JettonTransferNotification: This message notifies about a Jetton transfer.

    • query_id: An arbitrary request number.
    • amount: The number of Jettons transferred.
    • sender: The address of the sender.
    • forward_payload: An optional custom payload.
  • JettonBurn: This message is used to burn Jettons.

    • query_id: An arbitrary request number.
    • amount: The number of Jettons to burn.
    • response_destination: The address for sending burn confirmation.
    • custom_payload: An optional custom payload.
  • JettonBurnNotification: This message notifies about a Jetton burn.

    • query_id: An arbitrary request number.
    • amount: The number of Jettons burned.
    • sender: The address of the sender.
    • response_destination: The address for sending burn confirmation.


  • receive(msg: JettonTransfer): Handles the transfer of Jettons.

    • Validates the transfer using _transfer_validate.
    • Estimates the remaining value using _transfer_estimate_remain_value.
    • Executes the transfer using _transfer_jetton.
  • receive(msg: JettonBurn): Handles the burning of Jettons.

    • Validates the burn using _burn_validate.
    • Executes the burn using _burn_tokens.
  • receive(msg: JettonInternalTransfer): Handles internal Jetton transfers.

    • Validates the transfer using _internal_transfer_validate.
    • Updates the balance.
    • Sends a notification if required.
    • Handles any excess TON using _internal_transfer_excesses.
  • bounced(src: bounced < JettonInternalTransfer >): Handles bounced Jetton internal transfers.

    • Updates the balance.
  • bounced(src: bounced< JettonBurnNotification >): Handles bounced Jetton burn notifications.

    • Updates the balance.
  • calculate_jetton_wallet_init(owner_address: Address) -> StateInit: Abstract method to calculate the initial state for a Jetton wallet.

  • _transfer_validate(ctx: Context, msg: JettonTransfer): Validates the transfer conditions.

    • Ensures the sender is the wallet owner.
  • _burn_validate(ctx: Context, msg: JettonBurn): Validates the burn conditions.

    • Ensures the sender is the wallet owner.
  • _transfer_estimate_remain_value(ctx: Context, msg: JettonTransfer): Estimates the remaining value after the transfer.

    • Ensures sufficient funds for the transfer.
  • _transfer_jetton(ctx: Context, msg: JettonTransfer): Executes the Jetton transfer.

    • Sends the Jettons to the destination address.
  • _burn_tokens(ctx: Context, msg: JettonBurn): Executes the Jetton burn.

    • Sends a burn notification to the Jetton master.
  • _internal_transfer_validate(ctx: Context, msg: JettonInternalTransfer): Validates internal transfers.

    • Ensures the sender is the Jetton master or another Jetton wallet.
  • _internal_transfer_estimate_remain_value(ctx: Context, msg: JettonInternalTransfer) -> Int: Estimates the remaining value after the internal transfer.

  • _internal_transfer_notification(ctx: Context, msg: JettonInternalTransfer): Sends a notification if required by the internal transfer.

  • _internal_transfer_excesses(ctx: Context, msg: JettonInternalTransfer, remain: Int): Handles any excess TON after the internal transfer.

    • Sends the remaining TON to the response address if specified.
  • get_wallet_data() -> WalletData: Returns the current wallet data.