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Max Supply Jetton

The MaxSupply trait provides functionality to manage and enforce a maximum supply limit for tokens. This trait can be used in smart contracts to ensure that the total supply of tokens does not exceed a predefined maximum value.


  • max_supply: Int

    • Represents the maximum number of tokens that can be minted.
  • total_supply: Int

    • Represents the current total number of tokens that have been minted.


  • requireMaxSupply(mintAmount: Int)

    • Ensures that minting a specified amount of tokens does not exceed the maximum supply.
    • Throws an error with code 7878 if the minting amount would exceed the maximum supply.
    • Parameters:
      • mintAmount: The number of tokens to be minted.
    • Example:
  • checkMaxSupply(mintAmount: Int) -> Bool

    • Checks if minting a specified amount of tokens would exceed the maximum supply.
    • Returns true if the minting amount does not exceed the maximum supply, otherwise returns false.
    • Parameters:
      • mintAmount: The number of tokens to be minted.
    • Returns: Bool
    • Example:
      let canMint = self.checkMaxSupply(100);
  • isMaxSupplyReached -> Bool

    • A getter function that checks if the total supply has reached the maximum supply.
    • Returns true if the total supply is equal to the maximum supply, otherwise returns false.
    • Returns: Bool
    • Example:
      let maxReached = self.isMaxSupplyReached;
  • maxSupply -> Int

    • A getter function that returns the maximum supply value.
    • Returns: Int
    • Example:
      let maxSupply = self.maxSupply;

Importing and Using the MaxSupply Trait

To use the MaxSupply trait in your smart contract, follow these steps:

  1. Import the Required Modules: Ensure that the required traits and deployable modules are imported in your contract file.

     import "@stdlib/deploy";
    import "../imports/tonion/tokens/jetton/JettonMaster.tact";
    import "../imports/tonion/tokens/jetton/JettonWallet.tact";
    import "../imports/tonion/tokens/jetton/extensions/MaxSupply.tact";
  2. Create Your Contract: Extend your contract with the JettonMaster, MaxSupply, and Deployable traits. Implement the required methods and initialize the variables as needed.

     import "@stdlib/deploy";
    import "../imports/tonion/tokens/jetton/JettonMaster.tact";
    import "../imports/tonion/tokens/jetton/JettonWallet.tact";
    import "../imports/tonion/tokens/jetton/extensions/MaxSupply.tact";

    contract MyMaxSupplyJetton with JettonMaster, MaxSupply, Deployable {
    total_supply: Int as coins;
    max_supply: Int as coins;
    owner: Address;
    jetton_content: Cell;
    mintable: Bool;

    init(owner: Address, content: Cell){
    self.total_supply = 0;
    self.max_supply = ton("1000");
    self.owner = owner;
    self.mintable = true;
    self.jetton_content = content;

    override inline fun calculate_jetton_wallet_init(owner_address: Address): StateInit {
    return initOf JettonWalletImp(owner_address, myAddress());

    override inline fun _mint_validate(ctx: Context, msg: JettonMint) {
    require(ctx.sender == self.owner, "JettonMaster: Sender is not a Jetton owner");
    require(self.mintable, "JettonMaster: Jetton is not mintable");

    let ctx: Context = context();
    require(ctx.sender == self.owner, "JettonMaster: Sender is not a Jetton owner");
    self.mintable = false;

By following these steps, you can import and use the MaxSupply trait in your smart contract to manage and enforce a maximum supply limit for your tokens on the TON blockchain.